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The Deeper Christian Life

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The Deeper Christian Life

By Andrew Murray

– A Deeper Christian Classic –
Dear Christian, do you not long to be brought nigh unto God? Would you not give anything to walk in close fellowship with Jesus every day? Would you not count it a pearl of great price to have the light and love of God shining in you all the day? You hold in your hands a book that beckons you into deeper waters. It is not a harsh whip to your soul but a gentle wooing that sets before you the full work of Christ and invites you to abide in what He has already accomplished and longs to do within you. In his classic devotional writing style, Andrew Murray emphasizes our need to surrender to Christ, depend upon Him, and abide in His work within our lives. Though short, this book addresses our abundant need for Jesus and how to move from the shoreline tides of spiritual childhood into the ocean depths of Christian maturity. The presence of Christ invites you to come and have unbroken fellowship with Him.

106 pages // deeperChristian Press

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