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Spiritual Lessons from Black and White America (AUDIOBOOK)

Regular price $19.97 Sale price $24.97
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Spiritual Lessons from Black and White America (AUDIO BOOK)

A Live Teaching Series

by Eric Ludy

A 38-Part Series
Includes: Audiobook (as MP4 download), Individual MP3 audio files, Downloadable PDF notebook
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This 38-part series covers a period of 60 years in America's wild history — from WW1 to Watergate. It's a period remembered by every American in monochromatic black and white. It's the period when black-and-white movies and black-and-white television emerged. Every news photo from this period was black and white. The social issues of the day were matters of black and white — with skin color ranking as the chief cultural division point of the hour. Being a season of intense political division and dogmatism, it's no surprise that the opinions of men and women were also decidedly black and white. And, ironically, even the professional police force built by the government to attempt to tame the wildness of this period wore black and white and toted FBI badges upon their lapel. The world we live in today was defined by this strange and conclusive time. Much of how the Church now functions in the West was defined by these 60 years of black and white. Some of this impact was good. Much of it was not.

If we are going to be the Church of Jesus Christ in this hour and effectively change the world in which we live, we need to know how to not be just right or left, black or white, pro or anti — we need to be representatives of Jesus Christ.

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