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Wrestling Prayer

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WRESTLING PRAYER: A Passionate Communion with God

by Eric Ludy

The power of prayer appears lost these days. Questions float about, unchallenged within the modern church, regarding the true efficacy and worthiness of time spent on bended knee. Wrestling Prayer is a book intended to recharge the spiritual batteries of weary saints — it’s a message designed for heroic souls in need of a hearty spiritual meal and a fresh reminder of how truly powerful our God really is. If you are wanting to see the power of prayer return in your life and in your church — this book is a great place to start.

ERIC SAYS… Wrestling Prayer is filled with practical ways to help you build a stronger prayer life. A lot of us feel defeated in our spiritual life. Many of us have tried praying without success, and our expectations of God are diminished as a result. For much of my Christian journey, this was how I felt in my prayer life — frustrated and discouraged. But over the past few years, I’ve learned some important things about prayer that have revolutionized my spiritual walk. Prayer can’t be baked down into a step-by-step recipe or cookie-cutter formula. But there are some Biblical principles that, when applied to your personal prayer life, can revolutionize your experience with God who hears and answers prayer. If you are feeling lackluster in your prayer life, don’t miss this challenging and inspiring book!

“Very few Christians take seriously the matter of 'putting on the full armor of God.' The only piece of armor that most Christians use is the shield of faith which they swing around in self defense. Fewer still know how to pick up the sword of the Spirit and use it in an offensive way against the enemy. As I read Eric and Leslie Ludy's latest book, Wrestling Prayer, I thanked God for a new generation of writers that are seeking to inspire this generation to the highest calling there is, that of making contact with heaven for His purposes on earth.” ―David Ravenhill

“This book digs deep some of the old well of the discipline of prayer. Wresting, agonizing, praying-through are all terms little know in the modern church age. This book unveils them again to us and encourages us to enter into this deeper prayer journey with God. I highly recommend it!” ―Greg Gordon, founder of

Great for all ages. Pages: 240
Release Date: 2009 (Harvest House Publishers)  

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