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Win 'Em Like Wilberforce (AUDIOBOOK)

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Win 'Em Like Wilberforce: The Power of Changing the World Together (AUDIO BOOK)

A Live Teaching Series

by Eric Ludy

An 8-Part Series
Includes: Audiobook (as MP4 download), Individual MP3 audio files, Downloadable PDF notebook
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William Wilberforce did something in his day which was deemed impossible — and still, over two hundred years later, anyone who studies his life’s work is startled and amazed and can’t help but mutter to themselves while reading of his accomplishments, “but . . . but, that can’t be done!” Wilberforce seemingly single-handedly turned an entire governmental system away from selfishness, decadence, and brutality toward honor, respect, and human kindness. He seems to have single-handedly brought Christian values, Christian truth, and Christian practice back to backslidden Great Britain. But, was it single-handedly? Though we often associate this great reformation of British thinking in the early nineteenth century with Wilberforce, it would be more accurate to say that this wildly impossible transformation was a result of a small band of radical Christian saints that worked alongside Wilberforce and lived together in Clapham, England. History knows them as The Clapham Saints, or spuriously as the Clapham Sect. And their story is one that must be heard to be believed. Their work so marvelously marks our world still to this day, but what is possibly most important to understand is “how” they changed the world in which they lived. And if we, as the Church of this modern day, were to put into practice these Clapham protocols, what might happen in our day?  
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