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The Grand and Glorious Gospel (AUDIOBOOK)

Regular price $9.97 Sale price $14.97
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The Grand and Glorious Gospel: Discovering the Depth and Beauty of the Good News (AUDIO BOOK)

A Live Teaching Series

by Nathan Johnson

A 15-Part Series
Includes: Audiobook (as MP4 download), Individual MP3 audio files, Downloadable PDF notebook 
Please note: Digital files will be sent to you in a zipped format and thus cannot be accessed by a mobile device until unzipped.

Far too many Christians are sitting on the doorstep of all that is available in Christ Jesus. They may know there is more, but they’ve yet to enter the doorway to experience it. When they hear the word “Gospel,” they either think of “salvation” or a bunch of information about how we can be forgiven and experience eternal life. But Scripture declares that there is far more to the Gospel! In this series, Nathan Johnson explores different elements of the Gospel, revealing its depth, beauty, and life-transforming power. This stirring series will help you better understand the Gospel, not as more details to learn, but a reality to be experienced. Join Nathan as we discover the grand and glorious Gospel and why it is truly “Good News” for your life.

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