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Life and Leadership Lessons from Teddy Roosevelt (AUDIOBOOK)

Regular price $9.97 Sale price $14.97
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Life and Leadership Lessons from Teddy Roosevelt (AUDIO BOOK)

A Live Teaching Series

by Eric Ludy

A 12-Part Series
Includes: Audiobook (as MP4 download), Individual MP3 audio files, Downloadable PDF notebook
Please note: Digital files will be sent to you in a zipped format and thus cannot be accessed by a mobile device until unzipped.

While the character of the American nation is currently being tested and the direction of our great land is being freshly defined, it seems a good time to examine the life and leadership of the man that most Americans believe embodies the grit, growl, and gusto that made our nation great in the first place. Teddy Roosevelt is considered by many to be the consummate American—manly, fearless, chock full of courage, ready to shout louder than everyone else at the enemy, and ready to laugh louder than everyone else in the room when the going gets tough. God broke the mold when he made this man, but, that doesn’t mean that his life can’t supply us with some extraordinary practical spiritual lessons. A study of Teddy Roosevelt is sure to inspire you if not totally alter your life.

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