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Becoming Brave (AUDIOBOOK)

Regular price $14.97 Sale price $19.97
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Becoming Brave: Stunning Composure While Staring at a World Crisis (AUDIO BOOK)

A Live Teaching Series

by Eric Ludy

An 11-Part Series (+ bonus parts with Leslie!)
Includes: Audiobook (as MP4 download), Individual MP3 audio files, Downloadable PDF notebook
Please note: Digital files will be sent to you in a zipped format and thus cannot be accessed by a mobile device until unzipped.

As Christians we are presently vulnerable. Every day our ancient foe the devil is seeking to invade our souls with his voice of doom, and many of us are susceptible to this voice, because we haven’t ever been taught how to shoo it away — how to resist it. As Christians we are both designed and empowered to be doom-proofed — to be able to repel all the fiery darts of bad news, gloomy projections, and portending destruction.  And this doom-proofing is called bravery. It starts on the inside of a believer and works its way out unto valiant actions, so that the Christian can face any crisis — big or small — with a smile, a song, and stunning composure.

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