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1940: When Change is Desperately Needed (AUDIO BOOK)

A Live Teaching Series

by Eric Ludy

A 7-Part Series
Includes: Audiobook (as MP4 download), Individual MP3 audio files, Downloadable PDF notebook
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Oftentimes the greatest movements of grace follow close on the heels of the greatest movements of evil. Such is the case of 1939 Great Britain—decadent, self-absorbed and wholly unprepared to stand up against the growing threat of Adolf Hitler on the other side of the Channel. A great evil had cast its shadow upon the sleepy British Isles, and now it appeared that the countdown toward their final days had officially begun.  1939 Great Britain is a stunning reminder to all of us, that no matter how dark it gets, God’s grace is sufficient to meet the task and to turn everything around. Something happened inside that decaying, dying nation that is one for the storybooks. And, though it is nearly impossible to believe—that decadent, self-absorbed, unprepared little nation became— seemingly overnight—a nation full of lionhearted men and women ready to sacrifice everything to see Hitler stopped. Out of the ashes of 1939 grows the beauty and profundity of 1940 Great Britain. And what is most thrilling is that God desires to work this very same miracle in each of us.  
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