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All of Christ in All Things (AUDIOBOOK)

Regular price $9.97 Sale price $14.97
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All of Christ in All Things: A Study of the Preeminence of Christ (AUDIO BOOK)

A Live Teaching Series

by Nathan Johnson

A 14-Part Series
Includes: Audiobook (as MP4 download), Individual MP3 audio files, Downloadable PDF notebook
Please note: Digital files will be sent to you in a zipped format and thus cannot be accessed by a mobile device until unzipped.

Jesus Christ is to have first place in all things. This concept of preeminence is essential for every believer and is central to Paul's letter to the Colossians. Join Nathan Johnson in this fourteen-part study examining the book of Colossians and how Jesus is to be first in every aspect and arena of our lives. As a fun bonus, Nathan provides study guides for each lesson to help you learn how to study the Bible for yourself as you walk through this powerful series.

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